Be Sober-Minded, Not Sober-Faced. Smile More.

I travel a lot. As a Professional Speaker/Author, I probably meet more people in a few weeks than most folks meet in a year or more and I’ve noticed something over time. There’s a lot of men who look like they’ve been sucking on a lemon since they were three years old. What’s with the dudes? I don’t find this so often with women. The Bible (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) says to be sober-minded, not sober-faced. Smile more. Dale Carnegie taught this as one of his thirty instructions in his timeless classic, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” back in 1936. Matter of fact, in HTWFAIP, all of his chapter summaries are written as simple sentences, and the only instruction he gives which is only one word is the instruction, “Smile”. We tend to get what we give. Give a smile. It breaks the ice. And it usually …


Spoil Your Parents. And Your Clients. While You Can.

My brothers and I recently sent our parents on an all-expense paid trip to Oahu and Maui where they stayed at two Four-Star waterfront resorts for their 50th wedding anniversary. Although my folks had the time of their life and they were very grateful for the present, I think I was the one who really got the gift. I’ve been able to have the greatest parents on earth for my 48 years of life here on this awesome blue ball. I didn’t always think my parents were that great, but that’s normal when you’re younger. Now I know better. Ever think about your clients kinda the same way you think about your parents? Your parents gave you life. Your clients gave you business. Your parents could have given you away and found or had some other kids. Your clients can give you away any time they like. We have limited …


The Knebl Thirty Second Success Seminar

You can read tons of books on success, and I suggest you do. I’ve read about a book a week on personal development for almost twenty years, so I’ll save you some time. Here’s the Knebl Thirty Second Success Seminar: 1) Define your dream. 2) Determine the price in terms of time, effort, resources, etc. 3) Pay the price. Everything else is window dressing. Now go invest the thousands of dollars I just saved you on books.

In Business, Every Day Is Valentine’s Day

We know we’re supposed to show our love on Valentine’s Day. We’ve been sold this by Hallmark, Nestle and others since we were kids. If you’re in business, every day is Valentine’s Day. Your customers, clients, boss, colleagues, networking partners, and referral sources better be feeling the love. All the time. How are you ensuring they feel special?

Are You Having Business One Night Stands?

There are many things we can learn about how to build, enhance and maintain client relationships from marriage. If you’ve had any long-term success in business you realize it’s all about relationships. If you want your spouse to treat you better, treat her or him the way you treated them when you were dating. This isn’t difficult math. After money is transacted in your business and you deliver your value. What do you do then? How do you show your client that it wasn’t a one night stand? If it takes you more than a few seconds to answer this, you may be leaving skid marks in a lot of motel parking lots….