Keep Your LinkedIn Status Updated by Adding Value

On LinkedIn you have an opportunity to communicate with your Connections called a Status Update.  This is a box on your LinkedIn Profile where you can post things.  When you log into your LinkedIn account you automatically see your Connections’ most recent Status Updates with the most current one at the top of the page.  This is a great opportunity to keep your name in front of people in a non-stalker, non-spammer like fashion.

In my opinion, many people are using Social Media in a way that’s not producing the results they desire.  This is how many of them are using Social Media: “Buy my product, buy my product, buy my product, buy my product, the competition sucks, buy my product.”  And then they wonder why no one buys their product.  Who wants a non-stop sales pitch?  I know that I don’t.  These folks aren’t engaging in Social Media – they’re engaging in Sales Media.

The way that you get people to want to do business with you and refer business to you is to add value.  I know that sounds like a cliché.  It’s so obvious that many people never see it.  We all receive newsletters and ezines related to our professions and interests.  I’m suggesting that we share the wealth.  Instead of hoarding that great information, what would happen if we payed it forward?  If you read something that you think other people will see value in, broadcast it.  Post a short message and then a link to the article or post.  It doesn’t have to be an article that you’ve written. 

Become a resource for people.  Be the go-to person and the thought leader regarding your expertise.  I suggest posting things of value 80% of the time and shameless self-promotions about 20% of the time.  Most people don’t mind a self-promotion from time to time if they’re getting value most of the time.  I certainly don’t mind it.  Post frequently and post value.  Engage your Connections in conversations and look for opportunities to help them.  You’ll completely differentiate yourself from the masses.  Huge doors of opportunity swing on little hinges. 

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