Giving versus Getting

I’m rereading “The Go-Giver” by Bob Burg and John David Mann.  I read this book when it came out a few years ago and wrote a review of it in one of my newsletters a few years back.  What a gem of a book.  I can’t recommend this masterpiece enough.

The premise of the book is that shifting your focus from getting to giving is not only a nice way to live life and conduct business, but a very profitable way as well.  This flies straight in the face of what modern society often tells us.  Modern society is wrong.

I once heard a very wise and wealthy man say “Watch what 95% of the people are doing and do just the opposite.”  I believe he was spot on.  Isn’t it funny how the most important things in life are paradoxes?  The paradox is that the more you give the more you get.

But that’s not the primary reason for giving.  The results you get are just the thunder to giving’s lightning.  Give because you are abundant.  Give because it’s the right thing to do.  Give because people need your help.  Give because you are blessed and in turn are a blessing to others.  Give because you don’t believe that life is a limited sum game.  There is no pie with a set number of slices.  The pie just keeps getting bigger.

Whatever you want more of, give.  Money, attention, respect, appreciation, gratitude, love and everything wonderful operates by this principle.  And if you believe this and operate by this principle you have all the evidence to prove it.  And if you don’t believe this principle and don’t live by it, you have all the evidence to prove that also.

Remember that regardless of your profession or calling, you’re in the business of touching lives.  Give yourself away and the world will provide for you in ways you can’t even yet imagine.

I’d love to hear how giving has impacted your life.  How do you implement giving into your daily routine?  I’d love to hear your stories.  🙂

Comments 6

  1. Danita Nixon


    Have you read the “Go Givers Sell More?” It is my favorite book of the two.

    These books have helped me tremendously – learning to focus on others and add value to their lives!

    I think people are amazed when the meet someon who is more interested in getting to know THEM, rather then sell what I have to sell!

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    Yes, Danita, I have read “Go-Givers Sell More”. Awesome book!

    Thanks for your comments!


  3. John David Mann

    Kevin, so beautifully put! I love this, especially: “And if you believe this and operate by this principle you have all the evidence to prove it. And if you don’t believe this principle and don’t live by it, you have all the evidence to prove that also.” — and this: “regardless of your profession or calling, you’re in the business of touching lives. Give yourself away and the world will provide for you in ways you can’t even yet imagine.”

    You are such an embodiment of these ideas! Love your newsletter. Thanks, my friend.

    And, pssst:Danita? We have another coming out this September! It’s called, “It’s Not About You.”

  4. Bob Burg

    Kevin, thank you so much for your extremely kind blog post regarding John David Mann’s and my book. Your reputation as a top salesperson/coach/speaker and great networker precedes you, and it’s quite an honor to know that you have found value in our book. I also know that YOU have a book coming out soon and – having had the pleasure of reading an advanced copy, I can tell everyone it’s a WINNER…just like you. Thank you so much again!!

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    Thanks, John. I love your work and am always blessed by you. I can’t wait for your next book!

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