We Do The Things We Make Up Our Minds To Do

We are surrounded on every side by people’s goals, dreams and ideals. Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal, dream or ideal. The computer or smart phone you’re reading this blog post on was once a goal, dream or ideal. Your ability to read was once a goal, dream or ideal. You get the point.

Oftentimes we make things more difficult than they need to be. Let’s keep things simple. K.I.S.S. = Keep It Simple Sweetie. The easiest part of achieving your goal, dream or ideal is the work. Once you clearly define your goal, dream or ideal with a laser-like clarity, then figure out the cost in terms of time, effort and resources, all that’s left is the work.

Remember that a man or woman who chases two rabbits catches neither. Clearly define your goal, dream or ideal. Then make it a little clearer. And then a little clearer. Make it as clear as humanly possible. When you make up your mind about what you want and then you make your goal, dream or ideal crystal clear, congratulations – you’ve entered a very rare club that only 2% of humanity belongs to. When you’re that clear, and you follow that vision with action, you will have your goal, dream or ideal.


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