Change is Inevitable, Growth is Optional

The only constant is change. What a cliché. And it’s a cliché, because it’s true.

The last few years for most people have been a time of definite change. Some for the better, some for the worse.

If you watch television news or read the newspaper, you’d come to the conclusion that we’re all going to hell in a hand basket, the country is collapsing and that the end of the world is near.

Don’t forget that the news media gets paid to distribute negative news. Literally. And in-between the dire predictions you can watch ads for depression medication.

Successful people know that success is a decision. And it starts with a decision to focus on the positive.

Focusing on the positive, doesn’t mean denying that we’re in tough times or that if we just think about positive things they’ll somehow show up in our lives.

It means realizing that times are tough, but instead of focusing on problems, we choose to focus on solutions.

And the key word is “choose.” Change is going to happen. The question then is, what kind of change are you going to choose?

I suggest one choice is to add massive value to people. In ways that maybe you’ve never thought of before.

Here’s an exercise: in the morning as you’re having that first cup of coffee, think for five minutes about how you can add more value to your co-workers, your clients, prospects, referral partners and everyone who you come in contact with that day.

You don’t need to think outside the box, because the only box that exists is the one you create in your mind. Realize that there is no box to think outside of. It’s wide open, baby.

Change is inevitable, growth is optional. Choose growth; both personal and professional.

History is full of examples of companies that started in extremely tough times. And history is also full of examples of people who redirected their lives while everyone else was complaining about their circumstances. Choose growth.

Speaking of growth, I have been blessed to experience tremendous growth in my business this year. I now have a Business Manager and you will be seeing some changes in my newsletter, the services and products that I will be offering.

One of the immediate changes I am making is how I deliver my newsletter. The change train is here and if you’d like to hop on it with me  please sign up now so you can automatically be added to my new system.  I suggest you do it NOW while it’s still fresh in your mind. You do know that “Do It Now” people get things done, right?

Please add your comment below.  I’d love to hear from you on this topic. Here’s looking to our growing together!

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