Rumi Was Right

“Sell your cleverness and purchase bewilderment.” – Rumi

Rumi was a pretty deep 13th-century poet and Sufi mystic. I love reading his works. He must have been fun guy to hang around with.

Let’s change the word ‘bewilderment’ to ‘gratitude’, and his profound saying becomes “Sell your cleverness and purchase gratitude.”

Instead of trying to figure out clever ways of gaining followers on your Social Media channels, or burning brain cells trying to get more people to read your blog, or whatever, what would happen if you went on a rampage of gratitude?

Everyone wants to be appreciated and the funny thing is that very few people invest time in their daily routines to show appreciation and gratitude.

Set a goal to let at least five people a day know that you are grateful to and/or for them in some way. Show appreciation. Being clever is okay, but being sincere and letting people know that you appreciate them and are grateful to have them in your life is more important.

When I was younger, I admired cleverness. As I become older, I admire kindness far more.

Oh yeah, while you’re remembering that your prospects, clients, customers, co-workers, boss, and referral partners are people who should be shown more appreciation, remember that your family members are too.

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