Lighten Up

Have you noticed that with all these new communication technologies that some people are being very serious?  Communication technologies such as a pencil, two cans with a string, a cell phone or the internet always reveal the person who is using them.  Our thoughts, ideas and feelings pass through them, but we are not the technology.

Many people are constantly talking about the tools.  Yes, they are amazing.  But what is transmitted through them is the message.  And I’m finding that people’s messages are often quite heavy.  I propose that folks lighten up a bit.  Being professional and having a personality are not mutually exclusive.  When you’re professional and aren’t afraid to inject your personality into business conversations, things become much more fun for everyone involved.

Adults are kids with long, hairy legs.  If you’re disagreeing with me, you’ve really lost touch with who you are.  One of the beautiful things about getting older is that you don’t lose any of the ages you’ve already been.  Get your work done, but keep it light.  You will become a magnet for other people.  And that’s a good reason to do it, but the best reason is because it’s fun and who you are.  Everyone wants to have fun.  Everyone.

Make sure that you’re laughing every day.  Make other people laugh every day.  If you’re a left-brain, anal retentive, Type A personality, schedule some friggin’ fun time into your schedule.  And friggin’ isn’t a swear; it’s a Jersey form of endearment.  If the friggin’ thing offended you, this post is for you.  Are you getting it?

We’re all so much more alike than different.  We want to be appreciated, love, respected and we want to be happy.  Just for kicks, ask the next person you speak with, “What makes you happy?”  And then ask them why.  You may have the best conversation with someone that you’ve had in a long time.  Lighten up.  People have enough seriousness in their lives.  Be a breath of fresh air.

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