As Dale Carnegie said many years ago, “Remember that a person’s name is to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” No matter how much technology changes and no matter how sophisticated Social Media (SoMe) platforms become, human nature doesn’t change. When you have the opportunity to modify a standard invitation message, reply message, etc. on a SoMe platform, do it. Never use the template which the SoMe platform has auto-populated for you. Using their standard template is like holding up a sign which says, “You’re not important enough for me to take 60 seconds to send you a warm, personal message.” Huge doors of opportunity swing on little tiny hinges. Use effective internet etiquette which I call internetiquette. Personalize everything. Don’t worry about followers, connections, likes, etc. Invest in sincere, authentic relationships.

Personalize Everything

As Dale Carnegie said many years ago, “Remember that a person’s name is to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” No matter how much technology changes and no matter how sophisticated Social Media (SoMe) platforms become, human nature doesn’t change. When you have the opportunity to modify a standard invitation message, reply message, etc. on a SoMe platform, do it. Never use the template which the SoMe platform has auto-populated for you. Using their standard template is like holding up a sign which says, “You’re not important enough for me to take 60 seconds to send you a warm, personal message.” Huge doors of opportunity swing on little tiny hinges. Use effective internet etiquette which I call internetiquette. Personalize everything. Don’t worry about followers, connections, likes, etc. Invest in sincere, authentic relationships.