The Knebl Three-Foot Rule

I’ve lately had a number of people tell me that they’ve heard of my three-foot rule from others and they’ve said that they want to hear it from me in my own words, so because I seek to serve, here ya go. The Knebl Three-Foot Rule: 1) Smile at everyone who comes within three feet of you. 2) If they smile back, say hi. 3) If they say hi back, start a conversation with them about them. That’s it. Don’t be fooled by the simplicity – things that are simple to do are also simple not to do. Like exercising, eating correctly, etc. This simple rule has made me hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars, but that’s not why I do it. I do it because it’s the right way to live. The money is a nice fringe benefit. Now go forth, be friendly and prosper. To your massive …


Start 2013 Today

Today is the first business day of December for most folks. Most people struggle with New Year’s resolutions, so I say forget ’em. Start 2013 today. By deciding that you’ll take some baby steps at the end of 2012, you’re in a way better position to crank into 2013. Start small. Think about what you’d like to accomplish in 2013 and start making minor progresses daily for the next 28 days. I suggest that if you do this, you’ll be miles ahead of everyone else by 2/1/13.