You’d Better Be Working On Your Social Sales Skills

I’m blessed to speak to and train sales forces all over the USA and internationally on a weekly basis on how best to leverage Social Media for lead generation, client acquisition, top of mind awareness and a number of other sales-related functions. Even after doing this for many years, I am reminded on a daily basis that regardless of an individual’s or an organization’s understanding of Social Media, they better have some very good sales skills. I can’t tell you how many entrepreneurs and small business owners (and large organizations, too) have an incredible product or service but they aren’t getting the traction they should in the marketplace. Without blaming the economy or any other number of things, which are all really excuses, the bottom line is that they and/or their people better be sharpening their sales skills just as much as they’re sharpening their Social Media skills. Here’s a …


The Facebook Witness Relocation Program

Online friendships are a lot like offline friendships. There are those who are friends of yours for life regardless of geography. And there are those who are friends of yours for a season for any number of reasons such as being coworkers, friends of friends, etc. I always find it interesting that some folks on Facebook show up continuously in comments, Likes, postings on your Wall for a period of time and then join the Witness Relocation Program. And then at some point down the road they show up hot and heavy again. And then they disappear for months. Or years. And then they show up again. There’s nothing wrong with that. Just invest your time and attention in those who hang around.