Social Media Reveals Your Character

As I’ve spoken on stages all over for years on Social Media, there is something that I’ve observed countless times.  Many people seem to think that if they can just gather a bajillion connections on Social Media sites, then the clouds will part and the money will fall out of the heavens.  This thought actually reveals far more about these people than they probably even realize about themselves.  It reveals that they think of people as commodities and they have a lottery mentality regarding wealth.  How naive. However we are offline, we are probably the same way online, because we can’t outrun our character.  No matter where we go, there we are.  You can tell a heck of a lot about someone by looking at their Social Media profiles, just like you can tell a lot about them if you chat with them at a networking event.  If all they …


Lighten Up

Have you noticed that with all these new communication technologies that some people are being very serious?  Communication technologies such as a pencil, two cans with a string, a cell phone or the internet always reveal the person who is using them.  Our thoughts, ideas and feelings pass through them, but we are not the technology. Many people are constantly talking about the tools.  Yes, they are amazing.  But what is transmitted through them is the message.  And I’m finding that people’s messages are often quite heavy.  I propose that folks lighten up a bit.  Being professional and having a personality are not mutually exclusive.  When you’re professional and aren’t afraid to inject your personality into business conversations, things become much more fun for everyone involved. Adults are kids with long, hairy legs.  If you’re disagreeing with me, you’ve really lost touch with who you are.  One of the beautiful …

Three Things We’ve Learned About Social Media From The Middle East

I was going to write this post two weeks ago, but decided to wait.  As I am writing this, Gaddafi has fled Libya and his whereabouts are still unknown.  These are amazing times we’re living in.  For years, I have been telling my audiences that in a more and more interconnected world, Social Media is forcing transparency.  This is being proven out right in front of our eyes. If you’re good at what you do and seek to add value to your employer, clients, co-workers or whoever, there have never been easier ways for that message to get out.  If you’re a horrible manager, boss, team leader, dictator, or whatever, there have never been easier ways for that message to get out either. So here are three things we’ve learned from Social Media in the Middle East: 1. It’s Getting Harder To Hide From The Truth There was a time …